7 Factors to Consider Meeting Ingress Protection Testing (IP65, IP67, IP68)

Depending on the features of the human-machine interface, such as keys, switches, and buttons, moving parts create areas of concern for dust collection and possible leak paths.

Inside our HMI Design Guidelines for IEC 60529 Ebook we will review 7 factors to consider when designing a user interface assembly to pass IEC 60529.

Insiders Look:

  • Paths for Ingress
  • Orientation
  • Component & Technology Selection
  • And more…

IEC/EN 60529 standardizes FOD ingress protection and waterproofness for electronical enclosures and product housings. The standard defines a wide range of particle sizes for FOD that include particles from 50mm2 to the complete protection from all dust particulates.

7 Factors to Consider Meeting Ingress Protection Testing

It also defines various waterproofness criteria that range from resilience to vertical drips (aka condensation), to surviving long periods under water with no water ingress.

These requirements become especially critical when bringing a User Interface to market since these products are often used in an environment that is prone to dust and water exposure.

Learn These 7 Design Factors

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